The best choice for your safetyUniHub

Informational security

Today, information is one of the most valuable and critical business assets, and ensuring its security is a key task of any company that seeks to conduct successful activities on the market and maintain its competitiveness.

Consulting support

Our experts are ready to support the client on cyber security issues during the preparation and implementation of cyber security projects (Supervisor)

Investigation of cyber incidents

The work is carried out from both a technical and a social point of view, which allows the client to obtain not only the digital traces of the attacker, but also to conduct work with the personnel - to identify potential attackers and their accomplices

Security and routing based on the Linux OS

The openness of the code, which allows you to adapt the system to specific tasks. High fault tolerance and security of solutions built on the platform. The possibility of integration with Windows platforms, systems and services. Low requirements for hardware resources

Organization of remote access to corporate resources

Setting up access for employees to corporate mail and other resources

About the company


We will help you feel safe

One of the key advantages of our high-quality information security services is a comprehensive approach to protection. This means that our experts provide security at different levels: physical, network, software and human. We analyze threats, develop protection strategies, establish monitoring and incident response systems, and provide recommendations on preventive measures.

Our services

What you can get

Information system audit

Creating management systems and ensuring business continuity

Determining the level of maturity of the information system and developing recommendations for its optimization

Detection of unauthorized access and suspicious network activity

Our achievements
+ 0
Successful integrations
+ 0
Stopped leaking information
+ 0
Satisfied customers
+ 0
Identified threats